Order ID: # 6933

Delivery Date: 10-02-2020

Product Unit Price Quantity Total
Organic Oranges Valencia JUICING ORANGES (9kg) $30.60 1 $30.60
Organic Apples JUICE GRADE (18kg/box) $51.00 1 $51.00
Organic Herbs Coriander (bunch) $3.75 2 $7.50
Organic Herbs Parsley Flat/Cont (bunch) $3.75 2 $7.50
Organic Spinach Bunch (each) $4.50 1 $4.50
Subtotal $101.10
Shipping Charge $0.00
GST 6933 $0.00
Order total $101.10

Delivery Instruction: Pls ring bell and wait for 2-4 minutes. Pls leave in sunroom if no one at home ( sunroom will be open if no one is at home)